Amidst An Arduino IOT project, I have run into an issue I struggle to overcome. I got such an error when attempting to run a sketch I had previously used before shorting my ESP8266 Adafruit feather.
ArduinoIoTCloudTCP::handle_ConnectMqttBroker could not connect to
Now I am using a new ESP8266 Adafruit feather and have also tried using an ESP32 node MCU but get the same error every time despite both boards connecting to my network.
Has anyone else run into such an error? Does anyone know how to solve it?
Hello, I am jmpeco and I have the same problem that you raise, but I see that nobody has followed the thread. I would like to know if in the end you were able to solve the problem.
I find it strange that there is no answer to this widespread problem, from Arduino. I see that the problem has been raised several times, those messages have received more than 800 visits, but none say that the problem is solved. And, Arduino does not say anything?
I insist on my approach in the sense that a TLS communication cannot be established through port 8884 when a security certificate is not available. but I don't know how to change the port 8883 or 8884 to 1883.
Yo insito en mi planteamiento en el sentido de que no se puede establecer una comunicacion TLS a traves del puerto 8884 cuando no se dispone de un certificado de seguridad. pero no sé como cambiar el puerto 8883 o 8884 por el 1883.
Feel your HiLetGo ESP32 WROOM-32 works with the IoT Dashboard for 26 cycles, then ,
ArduinoIoTCloudTCP::handle_ConnectMqttBroker could not connect to
ArduinoIoTCloudTCP::handle_ConnectMqttBroker 1 connection attempt at tick time 799179
LED switch worked fine, random # worked fine - message updated and could even turn off the switch in the Dashboard from the ESP32...then .... nothing...code still runs, but cannot activate the relay remotely with the dashboard.
So not sure it's really a TLS issue, worked for 26 executions.....
How many < ArduinoCloud.update(); > cycles did it work for you? I inserted a loop counter & Serial.print actions to help with debugging in the Serial Monitor. That's how I determined 26 cycles.
Saturday, May 07 2022 16:07:26
loop # : 26
motor running in test section
not the time
Saturday, May 07 2022 16:08:56
Saturday May 07 22 16:07:56
Relay2 ON
Run & Relay2 off
ArduinoIoTCloudTCP::handle_ConnectMqttBroker could not connect to
ArduinoIoTCloudTCP::handle_ConnectMqttBroker 1 connection attempt at tick time 799179
It looks like the ESP32 has lost wifi connection...altho' my wifi is up.
I'm going to try and figure out how to recognize the the error and re-initialize login to wifi.
BTW - remember, this is mostly a volunteer supported environment - so it might take time for a "Pro" to get to us AND ESP32 boards are still an experiment here - We are breaking new ground!!