Arduino IRlib value in Serial monitor

I'm using the IRlib library with Arduino with a remote control and a receiver.

In the Serial monitor, I get a whole bunch of info about the button I pressed, including its value.

But what I want is to extract its value in order to use it to move stepper motors.

I just want t extract the value.

Here is the code.

#include <IRLib.h>

IRrecv receiver(11);

IRdecode decoder;

void setup(){

  void loop(){
It is

my first project including an IR sensor, and I can't find detailed infos about the library.

Seriously? A google search for "IRLib Arduino" has this as one of the first few entries: Users Manual for IRLib | CY's Tech Talk

In the Serial monitor, I get a whole bunch of info about the button I pressed, including its value.

But what I want is to extract its value


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maybe "decoder.DumpResults();" is a function that contains serialprint so he needs help seeing what variable the read is stored as during that time?

I use IRremote and it's results.value, not familiar with the IRlib's workings.

There are plenty of examples with the official library release of the sort of stuff you expect - receiving a stream, decoding, and acting on the value read.