Arduino Json: Split String Input


I'm sending a string from a GUI that contains a list of Json instructions. For example:

  "sequence": [
      "time": "0",
      "SV1": 0,
      "SV2": 0,
      "SV3": 0,
      "RPM": 0

My problem is that the string is too large and I believe that the buffer is too small for the string incoming (It throws an InvalidInput from deserialJson::slight_smile: Is it possible to somehow parse/slice the incoming data quickly enough to avoid filling the buffer up?

Of course it is possible, but likely not easy if you're not an experienced programmer. It would require a parser that operates character-by-character, recognizing complete tokens, and implemented as a state machine so it is able to recurse to handle (possibly deeply) nested definitions. Not a project for a beginner.

This json is not in the correct form.
The correct thing would be something like this:

      "cars":[ "blue"],
      "time": "0",
      "SV1": 0,
      "SV2": 0,
      "SV3": 0,
      "RPM": 0

I use to validate jsons.

RV mineirin

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