Arduino & L298 power problem

Hello, I recently bought an Arduino Uno; I want to use the L298N DC motor driver module but I have a problem.

At the beginning, when I prepared and tested it, everything was working correctly and without violation; its Gnd was shared with the Arduino Gnd, and it worked perfectly with 5V input and the regulator in the circuit. it obtains its logical voltage; Its H-Bridge also controlled the complete direction of rotation without any problem with full power and precision. (there was no problem in controlling the rotation speed)

But after a few days, I used it again for another test, and surprisingly, when I connect them to Gnd, the DC motor stops moving and not even a noise comes out of it; (The 5V DC motor that I have does not rotate below 20% of power and only makes noise)

If I don't connect the Gnds together, obviously the circuit will not be established and the chipset will not work properly

But now I made an interesting discovery. Now, if I remove the regulator jumper and supply its logic voltage separately (using the 5V output of the Arduino), it works perfectly as before.

I don't think the regulator or any of its associated components are at fault because I didn't over-voltage and didn't damage the board either.

Thank you for helping me, I have a strange problem!

If you are putting only 5 volts on the power supply pins. the regulator output will probably be less than 4 volts, not enough for the logic circuits. You need at least 6.5 volts on the power supply pins to get 5 out of the regulator. I never use that regulator.

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Thanks, I tested it with 12 volts and it worked. But I'm confused, why did it work with 5V only the first time without any problem?

The first 5 volts may have been right on the border line of working. If the second project used more motor power, it could have pulled the 5V supply down just enough to fail.

It could be possible but I used the same DC motor. Is it possible that due to the use of that poor DC motor, its life has decreased and it may have become this problem?

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