Arduino Labview Voltmeter

Hi all!
I am using Arduino UNO board to measure a voltage and I`ve made a interface in LabView for that.
The problem that I face is the unstable measurement of current, I cant even read the value because of the "fluctuation". In this case i need to use the first decimal of the measurement but I cant understand where is the problem.

In this case i need to use the first decimal of the measurement but I cant understand where is the problem.

You have some code on the Arduino that you didn't show. The code is measuring a voltage, using analogRead() which returns an integer value between 0 and 1023. There ARE NO DECIMAL POINTS or digits after the decimal in integer values.

So, you have unnecessarily created yourself a problem.


void setup() {


void loop() {
int sensorValue=analogRead(A5);
float voltage= sensorValue * (5.0 / 1023.0);


This is my code, but when I try to read the values, they are varying too much. I ve made an printscreen to see these values.

What is supplying the voltage that you are measuring? Print the raw value, NOT the value that you have diddled with.

What do you mean by raw value ? Like "Serial.println(sensorValue)" ?
Now i uploaded again the same code and only 0 value is displayed...

What do you mean by raw value ? Like "Serial.println(sensorValue)" ?


Now i uploaded again the same code and only 0 value is displayed...

You have a hardware problem, then.

Now, with the same code and nothing connected to analog pins,the raw value displayed is 420 and so on. Is it normal ?

Is it normal ?

It is perfectly normal to get garbage from the analogRead() function when there is nothing connect to the pin you are trying to read.