Arduino Leo for copying and storing data

Hi. I want to use an Arduino Leo for copying from a word file on a PC, storing it in a text file, and replugging it to a different computer to recover the data. I am wondering whether this is possible on an Arduino Leo. If not, what Arduino would be needed for this?

Do you mean Microsoft WORD? IF so, be prepared for LOTS of programming to strip out ALL formatting control code and converting all remaining characters to ASCII text characters.

Begin by printing your Word file in HEX.

What about copying and saving from a cmd line or txt file?

What about it?

Will this remain a factor if copying and saving from a cmd line or txt file?

When you take the time to analyze a Word file, you will have the answer. Until you actually do that, the whole thread is pointless. Does not the Word program have an option to output a text file?

When you convert a Word document to text, you loose all the formatting; that is unrecoverable. If that is OK, why don't you save the Word document as a text file before transfering it to the Leonardo.

And why use a Leonardo (or other board)? Why not dump it on a memory stick and take it to the other PC?

Are you talking about a doc file or docx file? A docx document is a zip file; how big is it if you unzip it? A Leonardo has 1k EEPROM; is that enough to store your document? If you need more, you need to look at external storage; EEPROM, FRAM, SD,

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