I am useing Arduino Leonadro with w5100. It works normally with computer USB port. But when I use mini usb port via 5V 1A OR 2A
OR DC 9V 600mA , arduino Ethernet shield did not work! And the LEDs on Etherner shield seemed all right,but when I go to the router management page , I can't see my arduino has been connected to the router. I use arduino to be a server.What's the problem with it? How to solve it?
Can you tell more ?
I assume it is a normal Ethernet shield, which uses the 5V from the Arduino Leonardo and makes its own 3.3V.
Connected to usb to a computer is working ?
Whap happens when you use 9V power supply to barrel jack of the Leonardo (or to Vin) ?
It is possible to use a 5V power supply, but first you have to measure if it is really 5V. Did you connect that to the usb micro connector ?
The Ethernet Shield requires some amount of current. When you have a bad connector or a cable with thin wires or a breadboard with bad contacts, the voltage could drop. You can measure the 5V pin of the Leonardo. If that is 5.0V (or at least 4.8V, perhaps even 4.5V) it is okay.