i found a code online from "Bobby Zhang -bobbbert-CMU"
i want to use this code to make my arduino leonardo do 1000 clicks per second.
When i uploaded the code left mouse started clicking, i tested it and is doing only 50cps
Can someone help me to edit the code so it can make 1000cps ?
Thanks in advance .
Here is the code:
//Emulates a left mouse button auto-clicker
//For Arduino Leonardo
//Press the button once to turn on the clicker and LED
//Press the button again to turn off the clicker and LED
//Requires use of the Mouse library
#include <Mouse.h>
// set pin numbers for the button and light:
// Pin 2 for LED see reference https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/Blink
// Pin 7 for button see reference: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/KeyboardAndMouseControl
const int mouseButton = 7;
const int ledLight = 2;
//Sets flags and delays on the button
boolean isClicking = false;
const int buttonDelay = 500; // in milliseconds
const int clickPerSecond = 1; // number of clicks per second
const int loopSleep = 10; // in milliseconds
int buttonDelayCnt = 0;
int clickDelayCnt = 0;
void setup() {
// initialize the button input and light output:
pinMode(mouseButton, INPUT);
pinMode(ledLight, OUTPUT);
// initialize mouse control:
void loop() {
int buttonDelayMax = buttonDelay/loopSleep;
int clickDelayMax = (1000/clickPerSecond)/loopSleep-1;
int buttonDelayCnt = 0;
int clickDelayCnt = 0;
if(isClicking == true && clickDelayCnt == 0 )
clickDelayCnt = clickDelayMax;
if (digitalRead(mouseButton) == HIGH && buttonDelayCnt == 0 ) {
if(isClicking == true)
//Stops the clicker and turns off the LED
isClicking = false;
digitalWrite(ledLight, LOW);
//Starts the clicker and turns on the LED
isClicking = true;
digitalWrite(ledLight, HIGH);
buttonDelayCnt = buttonDelayMax;
//Delays the next button read
if( buttonDelayCnt > 0)
//Delays the click speed
if( clickDelayCnt > 0)