Arduino Leonardo Auto-Resets!!!


I've got a very awesome Arduino Leonardo board, but somehow the bootloader got corrupt. I've burned it onto the Leonardo board and I tried to upload the "Blink" example. I knew that I have to press the RESET button to enter the boot loader, but I forgot. I don't know how, but the board auto-resetted :o ! I tried this again! Guess what! THE SAME RESULT!!! I re-burned the boot loader several times, and I got the same result. Is this a bug, or is this a new feature in the boot loader bundled in Arduino 1.6.3?

Please answer this question as soon as you can.

PS. Sorry for my bad English.

Auto-reset works fine on the Leonardo. It is done with a different method. Instead of pulling the DTR signal low the programming software switches to 1200 baud as a signal to reset. If you want to know when that feature was added you should look at the release notes.