Does anyone know if there exists a version of the arduino leonardo eagle files that is compatible with Eagle 5.10? I am running linux, and Eagle 6+ does not work yet for us =(
I can see the pdf schematic, but it seems... wrong. For one thing, it has multiple atmel chips in the schematic, which I definitely don't see in the photographs. I'd rather not have to reverse engineer it just to play with the board design!
The PDF should be the same as the Eagle files. The two ATmel chips are different footprints for the same chip, so either can be used depending on availability.
Can you speak to eagle version compatibility for the eagle boards?
I can try to install eagle 6.2 in a virtual machine or something, but it would be really nice if it were compatible with eagle 5 since that's what I have a professional license for.
Not sure, can't install it =) I can try to install it on a windows virtual machine to see. I can't get the arduino uno boards to open either, which is a bit of a surprise -- I feel like I definitely had that working earlier. I am curious if my installation might somehow be broken. I will investigate this weekend.
If anyone else has Eagle 5.10 and has a minute to see if they can open the boards to cross-check, that would be super. I might also try installing Eagle 5.12 to see if that one will work (it doesn't have an installer for Debian Testing amd64, only i386, but it might be possible to get it to work by installing the appropriate i386 libraries).
If anyone comes up with a solution to this let me know. Otherwise I will at least give Eagle 5.12 i386 version a try and see if I can get it operational.
The PDF should be the same as the Eagle files. The two ATmel chips are different footprints for the same chip, so either can be used depending on availability.
You mean the QFN version is underneath the QFP version? Cool, didn't know that.
I have a full license for VMware workstation with windows 7 installed, so I'm sure I can install the freeware version and get it to work... just won't be able to get the files back into the version 5 software that I have an actual license for.
Oh well, I imagine frankly that this is by design of the people who make eagle. That's what I get for using proprietary software!
Thanks again for the suggestions! Maybe I'll just give up and buy a new license for eagle 6... $1640USD is a bit much though. Maybe I'll try finding an open source tool that can import eagle files (not holding my breath).
FYI, from talking with CADsoft support, it seems that you can export boards, libraries, etc as scripts and then run the scripts in older versions of Eagle to get potentially correct conversion.
Haven't tried it yet, since now I've already completely remade all of the packages and redone the schematics and boards by hand, but might be a useful trick for others.
Downloaded 6.2, brought my license forward into that as well.
I used iteadstudio's a lot, their .cam file crashed 6.1 (made program stop working) but seems to be okay in 6.2.