I'm trying to get the ethernet shield working with the Arduino Mega (1280) and the software version 1.0.
Unfortunately i cannot get it to work. The software is uploading fine to the board, but i don't get a network connection. (ip within my local network range).
But then i don't have any version number on the shield. I know there are other ethernet shields.
with SD-reader. But mine doesn't have an sd-reader (like i mentioned in the title of the subject).
so unfortunately i cannot say which version i have. The only text on the bottom of the card says:
You can go to the hardware section of the main arduino site and see if you can find your ethernet shield there. You can also look on the shield and see if there is a chip with Wiznet W5100 on it. If the shield has this chip, setup should be fairly easy.
I would not connect pin 53 to pin 10. Both those pins on the Arduino should be set to OUTPUT. That may be part of the problem. Leave pin 10 on the shield connected to pin 10 on the Arduino. As far as I can see on the schematic, only the three SPI data lines need to be jumpered.
I have not tried that.
If you want the simplest (not cheapest) solution, use a newer model ethernet shield.
Edit: This is under the assumption that your ethernet shield does not have the ICSP header on the bottom of the shield. If it has that connector, you do not need to jumper anything.
Is there any chance you could post a photograph or your Ethernet shield together with any information you have about which version or revision it is? I'm trying to assemble a visual catalogue of Ethernet shields since the Arduino folks aren't diligent enough to print a version number on them.