hallo zusammen
habe wieder mal ne frage !!
habe mir einen arduino mega 2560 zugelegt wegen i/o mangel.
jetzt habe ich aber das problem das ich auf dem mega kein bild auf den
LCD bekomme. ich benutze GLCD library version 3.
auf dem arduino uno hat alles bestens geklapt.
compilieren tut alles super, !
bin mir auch sicher das ich alles richtig gekabelt habe.
vieleicht weis ja einer von euch weiter !! danke
plattform : arduino mega 2560
lcd : 128x64 KS0108 B
arduino <-> LCD
habe ich von hier !!
config files
* ks0108_Mega.h - User specific configuration for Arduino GLCD library
* Use this file to set io pins
* The configuration below uses a single port for data
* and has the same wiring as the mega config from the previous ks0108 library
* define name for pin configuration
#define glcd_PinConfigName "ks0108-Mega"
/* Configuration for assigning LCD bits to Arduino Pins */
* Pins used for Commands
#define glcdCSEL1 33 // CS1 Bit
#define glcdCSEL2 34 // CS2 Bit
#define glcdRW 35 // R/W Bit
#define glcdDI 36 // D/I Bit
#define glcdEN 37 // EN Bit
#define glcdCSEL3 32 // third chip select if needed
#define glcdCSEL4 31 // fourth chip select if needed
* Data pin definitions
* This version uses pins 22-29 for LCD Data
#define glcdData0Pin 22
#define glcdData1Pin 23
#define glcdData2Pin 24
#define glcdData3Pin 25
#define glcdData4Pin 26
#define glcdData5Pin 27
#define glcdData6Pin 28
#define glcdData7Pin 29
* ks0108_Panel.h - User specific configuration for Arduino GLCD library
* Use this file to set LCD panel parameters
* This version is for a standard ks0108 display
* This file uses a board specific pin assignment file based on the board selected in the IDE
* define name for panel configuration
#define glcd_PanelConfigName "ks0108"
/* Configuration for LCD panel specific configuration */
#define DISPLAY_WIDTH 128
// panel controller chips
#define CHIP_WIDTH 64 // pixels per chip
#define CHIP_HEIGHT 64 // pixels per chip
* the following is the calculation of the number of chips - do not change
/* Chip Select Configuration */
* Change the following define to match the number of Chip Select pins for this panel
* Most panels use two pins for chip select,
* but check your datasheet to see if a different number is required
#define NBR_CHIP_SELECT_PINS 2 // the number of chip select pins required for this panel
* The following conditional statements determine the relationship between the chip select
* pins and the physical chips.
* If the chips are displayed in the wrong order, you can swap the glcd_CHIPx defines
* Defines for Panels using two Chip Select pins
* Two Chip panels using two select pins (the most common panel type)
#if glcd_CHIP_COUNT == 2
#define glcd_CHIP0 glcdCSEL1,HIGH, glcdCSEL2,LOW
#define glcd_CHIP1 glcdCSEL1,LOW, glcdCSEL2,HIGH
* Three Chip panel using two select pins
#elif glcd_CHIP_COUNT == 3
#define glcd_CHIP0 glcdCSEL1,LOW, glcdCSEL2,HIGH
#define glcd_CHIP1 glcdCSEL1,HIGH, glcdCSEL2,LOW
#define glcd_CHIP2 glcdCSEL1,LOW, glcdCSEL2,LOW
* Four Chip panel using two select pins
#elif glcd_CHIP_COUNT == 4
#define glcd_CHIP0 glcdCSEL1,LOW, glcdCSEL2,LOW
#define glcd_CHIP1 glcdCSEL1,HIGH, glcdCSEL2,LOW
#define glcd_CHIP2 glcdCSEL1,HIGH, glcdCSEL2,HIGH
#define glcd_CHIP3 glcdCSEL1,LOW, glcdCSEL2,HIGH
* Defines for Two Chip panels using one Chip Select pin
#elif (NBR_CHIP_SELECT_PINS == 1 && glcd_CHIP_COUNT == 2)
#define glcd_CHIP0 glcdCSEL1,LOW
#define glcd_CHIP1 glcdCSEL1,HIGH
* Defines for Three Chip panels using three select pins
#elif (NBR_CHIP_SELECT_PINS == 3 && glcd_CHIP_COUNT == 3)
#define glcd_CHIP0 glcdCSEL1,HIGH, glcdCSEL2,LOW, glcdCSEL3,LOW
#define glcd_CHIP1 glcdCSEL1,LOW, glcdCSEL2,HIGH, glcdCSEL3,LOW
#define glcd_CHIP2 glcdCSEL1,LOW, glcdCSEL2,LOW, glcdCSEL3,HIGH
* Defines for Four Chip panel using four select pins
#elif (NBR_CHIP_SELECT_PINS == 4 && glcd_CHIP_COUNT == 4)
#define glcd_CHIP0 glcdCSEL1,HIGH, glcdCSEL2,LOW, glcdCSEL3,LOW, glcdCSEL4,LOW
#define glcd_CHIP1 glcdCSEL1,LOW, glcdCSEL2,HIGH, glcdCSEL3,LOW, glcdCSEL4,LOW
#define glcd_CHIP2 glcdCSEL1,LOW, glcdCSEL2,LOW, glcdCSEL3,HIGH, glcdCSEL4,LOW
#define glcd_CHIP3 glcdCSEL1,LOW, glcdCSEL2,LOW, glcdCSEL3,LOW, glcdCSEL4,HIGH
* Here if the Number of Chip Selects is not supported for the selected panel size and chip size
#error "The number of Chips and Chip Select pins does not match an option in ks0108_Panel.h"
#error "Check that the number of Chip Select pins is correct for the configured panel size"
/* End of Chip Select Configuration */
* The following defines are for panel specific low level timing.
* See your data sheet for the exact timing and waveforms.
* All defines below are in nanoseconds.
#define GLCD_tDDR 320 /* Data Delay time (E high to valid read data) */
#define GLCD_tAS 140 /* Address setup time (ctrl line changes to E HIGH */
#define GLCD_tDSW 200 /* Data setup time (data lines setup to dropping E) */
#define GLCD_tWH 450 /* E hi level width (minimum E hi pulse width) */
#define GLCD_tWL 450 /* E lo level width (minimum E lo pulse width) */
* The code below selects a configuration file for pin assignment based on the board selected in the IDE
* These configurations are compatible with wiring used in earlier versions of the library
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined (__AVR_ATMEGA2560__)
#include "config/ks0108_Mega.h" // config for Mega or other 1280 board
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega644P__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega644__)
#include "config/ks0108_Sanguino.h" // config for Sanguino or other ATmega644/p board
#elif defined(__AVR_AT90USB646__) || defined(__AVR_AT90USB1286__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__)// Teensy
#include "config/ks0108_Teensy.h" // config for Teensy and Teensy++
#include "config/ks0108_Arduino.h" // config file for standard Arduino using documented wiring
#include "device/ks0108_Device.h"
#ifndef glcd_CONFIG_H
#define glcd_CONFIG_H
#include "config/ks0108_Panel.h"
#include "config/ks0108_Mega.h"