Arduino Mega 2560 MIDI input problem

Hi! Guys! I am using
Arduino Mega 2560 (it works with basic "blink" and other simple codes)
Midi library v.4.2

When i press keys on piano, the TX LED on arduino is blinking, what tells me, that it's recieve data, right?
But callbacks ( MIDI.setHandleNoteOn, MIDI.setHandleNoteOff) don't work.
If i press a lot of notes fast and randomly, sometimes LED 13 can switch on and off.

This is my circuit.

This is my code:

#include <MIDI.h>
#include <midi_Defs.h>
#include <midi_Message.h>
#include <midi_Namespace.h>
#include <midi_Settings.h>

#define LED 13    // Arduino Board LED is on Pin 13

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void setup()
    pinMode (LED, OUTPUT); 
void loop()

void non (byte channel, byte pitch, byte velocity)
void noff(byte channel, byte pitch, byte velocity)

Any suggestions?
Thanks for help!

This is my circuit.


It's strange... Don't you see it? Picture of my circuit? I will try reattach it here.

Your circuit is wrong. See the circuit in this project.

Thank you for the link!!
I took my circuit from here Arduino MIDI synthesizer (Part 1) - Basic MIDI IN circuit - YouTube
and it should work.
If it's not difficult, could you explain, what is wrong? maybe i can fix it.
Thank you for your time and energy!

oh, i got it, thank you very much!!!

I took my circuit from here

Total rubbish circuit.
Glad you got it now. :slight_smile: