I'm using a HacroCam shield (www.hacromatic.com) with an Arduino Mega 2560. The HC is designed to be used as a shield on an Uno, which has A4 for SDA and A5 for SCL. The Mega uses pins 20 and 21 for SDA and SCL, however, so I've wired the HC's SDA and SCL pins to 20 and 21.
The PinMapping2560 page (http://arduino.cc/en/Hacking/PinMapping2560) says that the Mega's A4 and A5 pins are for TMK and TMS, but I can't find any information on what those functions are. If I plug the HC in as a shield and wire the pins as above, I'd also be wiring the Megas A4 to 20 and A5 to 21. Would that cause any damage on power-up?