Hey there,
I am looking for some guidance on my Arduino project. I'll try and explain it as best possible.
I have two Arduino Mega 2560.
Arduino Mega 2560 1 has a TFT LCD Mega Shield v2.2, and a TFT_320QVT LCD Touch Screen. I have had this screen running with no dramas.
Arduino Mega 2560 2 is in a plastic enclosure, and has multiple different reading devices attached (DHT22 Module, Temperature Probe, MQ2 Module, Photo Resistor, Relay Board Module).
I have had Mega 2560 2 working correctly, outputting through Serial to a nearby tablet, reading to GoBetwino, and saving to the tablet. But after having multiple issues with the tablet, I have decided to try and make it read to the LCD Screen.
After 4 or so days of spending more than half the day looking up different ways such as using Serial1 (this worked best), Wire etc (it could be my lack of knowledge of how to implement what I read into my project, or maybe I haven't found the right thing yet), I at max only had it somewhat working (I could send commands from the LCD on Arduino Mega 2560 1 to Arduino Mega 2560 2, but could never have it respond). I am hard wiring the 2 together through Serial 1. (I will maybe look into wireless in the future).
My goal is to be able to display live readings from Mega 2560 2 on Mega 2560 1, and be able to control the relays attached to Mega 2560 2 on Mega 2560 1.
How can I best achieve my desired results?
If you have any questions, please ask!