Hi, I'm a newbie, please help me this problem.
Not very long ago I bought Arduino Mega 2560 R3 here (http://ru.aliexpress.com/store/product/Mega-2560-R3-Board-2012-Offcial-Version-with-ATMega-2560-ATMega16U2-Chip-for-Arduino-Integrated-Driver/1890231_32574674111.html)(seems to be original, even with a box). After that I installed the drivers, everything worked and was determined. But then I connected to the output 5V the load more than 200 mA. In this time Arduino Mega 2560 R3 was connected to the computer. Unfortunately after connecting the connection is terminated, but the Arduino Mega 2560 R3 worked but load doesn't. I disconnected the load and reconnected Arduino Mega 2560 R3 but it is not detected, though the led on pin 13 blink when you press the button "reset". Because on my Board Atmega16U2 is installed, the jumpers going into DFU mode I haven't found. I tried to connect Atmega16U2 via ISP programmer and read the fuse bits and firmware. Trying to reflash the Atmega16U2 too, has not led to success. So, I want to ask you:
- Do I have to buy the adapter USB-TTL (COM port emulator)?
- Do you just connect the adapter to pins RX0 and TX0?
Thank you.
In your case, COM port emulator is super unnecessary. You just need to buy this>>>https://store.arduino.cc/product/M000006. This will eliminate the use of com port emulator as this can be plugged into your USB directly. Now not only your power is connected, your data from your computer is also connected. No needs of any adapter.
The problem of that you can't find the device probably results from incorrect settings. To set it, you need to go on the Arduino IDE app, and on the top menu bar, click Tools>Board:>Arduino/Genuino Mega or Mega 2560. This is to tell the app the model of Arduino you are using. After this you need to tell the Arduino IDE app the port the board is connected to by clicking Tools>Port> [The port your Arduino is connected to]. After this it will work fine.
Yes, if you were to buy the com port emulator, TXD of the emulator must be connected to the RX0 of the Arduino, while the RXD of the emulator must be connected to the TX0 of the Arduino. Note that this process, and use of this emulator will just be a waste of time, and money. Rater than this, I recommend you buy a 2 Euros USB A to USB B cable, like the one in the link I gave you earlier. Thank You!
Because on my Board Atmega16U2 is installed, the jumpers going into DFU mode I haven't found. I tried to connect Atmega16U2 via ISP programmer and read the fuse bits and firmware. Trying to reflash the Atmega16U2 too, has not led to success.
Can you please describe this is more detail, I don't follow what you are saying. You say you haven't found the jumper, but perhaps you meant you found it and tried it, but it did not put the chip into DFU mode?
What exact steps did you follow to use an ISP programmer to re-flash the ATmega16U2? Did you use another working Arduino as an ISP programmer, or do you have some sort of dedicated ISP programmer?
Can you please describe this is more detail, I don't follow what you are saying. You say you haven't found the jumper, but perhaps you meant you found it and tried it, but it did not put the chip into DFU mode?
What exact steps did you follow to use an ISP programmer to re-flash the ATmega16U2? Did you use another working Arduino as an ISP programmer, or do you have some sort of dedicated ISP programmer?
I read that in order to go into DFU mode on the Atmega16U2 must be bridged GND and Reset on the Atmega16U2 ISP. When I try to do it, nothing happened. I have a USB ISP programmer. The second Arduino is not.