I recently purchased an Arduino Mega 2560 R3 and was working fine for a couple of days.
I expanded the blink sketch to do a knight rider effect with more Led's
This worked ok and the sketch runs.
When I went to upload a modified sketch to light 2 led's instead of one the upload failed.
The com port com5 was not on the serial port list.
I restarted the software, pc, arduino and nothing.
I checked the device manager and my com5 was gone.
When I reconnect the arduino windows does show any new devices, nothing changes as If I had not plugged it in.
There are no unkown devices or other devices in my devie list either.
The sketch that I las upload is still running happily and the power is coming from the USB.
I have read in another post about putting the arduino into DFU mode and uploading the firmware.
I have tried the several suggestions but most are aimed at earlier versions of the Mega or the uno.
There are no specific instructions of how to put the R3 into DFU.
I don't think it is in dfu at the moment as it does not show up as a dfu device in my drivers.
I have also tried plugging it into other pc's and they dont "see" it either.
Thanks for the suggestion, I have tried it but it still does not find the card.
Bottom line is that the PC does not "see" it when plugged in, its like the usb part of the arduino is not working at all, although the usb still powers the card.
Once you get the Uno, we can turn it into a programmer (Arduino as ISP) and with a few AVRDUDE commands we could re-flash the 16u2. Since you are getting absolutely nothing showing on your USB Bus (PC side) the Atmel FLIP is worthless.
Anyhow, if you copy the atmega16u2-usbserial hex file and paste it in the AVRDUDE directory you could re-flash it with the "Non-combined" hex, which I suspect is an issue. I used this for my Uno R3:
avrdude -p at90usb162 -F -P usb -c arduino -U flash:w:Ardu
ino-usbserial-uno.hex -U lfuse:w:0xEF:m -U hfuse:w:0xD9:m -U efuse:w:0xF4:m -U l
Worked flawlessly.
Unfortunately, my "Mega" is an R2 with the Atmega8u2, so I can not test the "robustness" of usbserial only hex.
Anyhow, if you wish, we could attempt the re-flashing when your Uno gets in.
You will need something to get on that 2x3 male header next to the USB port. It is the In Circuit System Programmer (ICSP) for the 8u2/16u2 chip that handles the USB2TTL communications to the Atmega2560. If you have (6) female/male jumpers or a 2x3 ribbon cable and (6) male/male jumpers, that should work. Then we just plug it into the 5v/Gnd and D10-D13 of the Arduino (loaded with Arduino as ISP sketch). Viola, you are ready to program AVR chips
Hello. I have the same problem. I received my r3 board from ebay few month ago. I had no time to test it. Now I bought the USB cable. It powers from USB. Blinks all the time but no of 4 windows or linux PC see it. Tried another cable- doesn't help. I have Uno v3 and Nano boards.
Can somebody point me to tutorial how to check/fix atmega16u2 usbserial?
I can't send it back as i lost seller contacts ;( don't want to send it to trash too.
If there can be nothing done to 16u2 chip is there any other hardware easy way to solve the isue? I mean any cheap external usb to serial shilds which are suitable for mega?
Please help!