I am trying to get my Arduino Mega ADK up and talking to my Nexus S. I have tried two approaches both of which have the same result. Both configurations compile and upload correctly without any errors. However when I plug the phone in there are no popups and nothing in the notification area. The Handbag app also sits on the waiting screen. The phone does charge from the USB.
I have followed the guides closely and tried various other combinations in addition to the ones listed.
Do I have to do anything like root the phone etc to get this working? I am out of ideas, any help much appreciated.
Phone setup:
Nexus S i9023
Sim free, stock android
not rooted
Arduino setup:
Arduino Mega ADK
12V 4.2A Power brink
I have been playing with this a bit more. The Mega ADK works fine as a normal Arduino board when used with my PC. So the issue has to be with the USB Host interface.
Is there a way to test the USB Host interface with something other then a phone to prove this? If the USB Host interface is broken can it be returned to Arduino to be fixed?
So I found board_test.pde an uploaded it but did not see anything in my serial monitor. I then tried a hello world app writing to the serial port and still nothing. I tried then cating the /dev/ttyACM0 as root and still nothing. When I send from the serial monitor the rx light comes up on my board. However the tx does not, when it should be sending hello world etc.