I had written some code a long time ago to read images on an SD card that is part of an Elegy 1.8 in TFT screen attached to a Mega board. I had some issues but had it running no problem. Move forward - had to use that old SD card for something else. Bought a new SD card (64GB) and copied image over to it - same as before. Fire up the Mega and no images - cannot initialize SD card. Tried fiddling with the code and I think I made it worse. Tried searching the forums and found a bunch of stuff but nothing quite like what I am doing.
Hopefully I attached my code alright into the message below for reference along with some font files I was using. I know there are different pins for Mega but right now all I have on the mega is the TFT which is not connected at all to pins 50-53.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Hopefully it is something super easy and most likely user error.
Thanks in advance
LeftGauntlet_2a.ino (15.2 KB)
mandalor3pt7b.h (6.25 KB)
mandalor9pt7b.h (10.1 KB)