Hi There,
I am new to this forum and wanted your expertise for my project from you guys.
I am making an AGV which follows Magnetic Tape using a Magnetic tape sensor like (MGS1600 by Roboteq) with Arduino Mega. I know to communicate between both i will be needing a RS232 to TTL converter. I am confused about the connection between them and the wiring. Also i have researched a lot but failed to get idea of how to code the arduino for that sensor.
I want to get the wiring diagram and code to control 2 dc motor on magnetic tape using that sensor.
Sorry in advance for my silly questions, i am new into this world of robotics. PS I know how to communicate between sensors but not this one.
Hello parth1x
Run some tutorials for the hardware selected.
If you are happy with the results of the tutorials merge these to your project.
Have a nice day and enjoy coding in C++.
I am not able to find tutorials to code arduino for that purpose, Thats why i need your help regarding connections and coding using library.
Which libary?
Take view here to get an idea.
I already went and took a walkthrough there, I still got no answers there thats why I am here asking help, I just want the connections and code to run 2 DC motors when magnetic tape sensors senses magnetic tape using arduino Mega .
In the upper left corner of your forum window are links to the Arduino site.
ARDUINO.CC takes you to the main site with links to a whole manual worth
of material, the reference, libraries, foundations, tutorials loaded in you IDE
and The Playground.
It's being updated so follow the links, make a bookmarks folder named Arduino
and bookmark whatever you might need to find later with labels that help.
Explore the site, no one can give you what you learn -- where to look for answers.
A MAX232 chip handles the difference. RS232 is +6V and -6V where Arduino TTL is VCC 5V or less and GND
Hello parth1x
You may start your own R&D task.
I Agree with you 100%, I am exhausted researching about that and only found a github link saying it is the library. I don't know how to use that library. Please Please Please kindly go through once and guide me because this forum is my last hope to make my project alive
That library is from the device maker, not Arduino.
It should come with examples and wiring or the maker site should show wiring.
If you can't make sense of it, you need to work on simpler things.
If this is for school then ask yourself when you last knew what you were supposed to?
Is there a reason you are not using analog output, it would be easier to use;
Analog Output The Analog Output wire (yellow) is always active and will give the tape position by varying the voltage from 1.50V, when the tape is centered, to 0 and 3V when the tape is at one end or the other of the sensor. The Analog output is centered at 1.50V when no tape is detected.
mgs1600_datasheet.pdf (1.0 MB)
Can you please tell us your electronics, programming, arduino, hardware experience?
Is this a school/college/university project?
Thanks.. Tom...
Finally some helpful people on forum,
Hi Tom,
This is my Final year University Project, to make an AGV.
I have worked with Arduino UNO multiple times, made Line followers, Controlling Linear Actuators, RFID projects etc. I recently came across a magnetic tape sensor and just wanted help regarding it as I am not able to find any tutorial to make it work with arduino. Thats why I created Account today and posted it in forum for help but seems like some People are not happy with it.
Any help will be Really Appreciated.
Thanks Parth
Have you looked Googled;
rs232c to ttl arduino
There are many ICs and modules that will do the job and have datasheets to show how to connect.
What do you mean "like" MGS1600?
Have you got one in hand?
Thanks.. Tom...
If your magnetic sensor has an analog output, this would probably be the easiest way to go.
The Library from Github is not supported by the suppliers or the manufacturer from what I can see, any other forum references to it are over 5 years old.
You may need to email the manufacturer direct, rather than Google the net.
Thanks for replying and helping me out in my Query,
I have almost read everything available on internet to make it work but unfortunately no luck.
I found MGS1600 on internet and wanted to learn about it before ordering it for my project and got stuck on its connections. Even contacted the manufacturer of the sensor still no luck as they didn't replied back.
With no support for that product, you would be best to look for another manufacturer.
Google ;
agv linear magnetic strip sensor
From personal experience, SICK, Turck, IFM brands have customer support.
PS. Did you look at the possibility of using analog rather than RS232 with the 1600?
I read about the possibility of using analog with MGS1600. I am confused after reading its Data sheet . Seems like the 15 Pin Dsub Connector is only RS232 Capable . If possible can you please check the datasheet and tell me. Also can you tell the magnetic Guide sensors other than MGS1600 as there isn't much info on google regarding sensors.