Arduino Mega and multiple bluetooth modules

I know the Mega 2560 can have several serial communications (4?) unlike the uno, but will it work connecting like 3 HC-06 bluetooth modules to it?

The reason is that I have 3 android devices and want them all connected to the mega to their own bluetooth module so they can communicate/send data to it without disconnecting and re-connecting all the time which it would do with one module. Will this work or am I thinking wrong here? Its for a home automation project.

If it works how would you recommend powering the 3 modules? should they be connected to the mega or with separate power? (I already have 5v>3.3 converters for the tx from mega)


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You don't mention what other gear is being powered by the Mega, and the HM-10 would be a better choice, but I don't see a problem running three HC-06s.

use the power from Mega to power the HC-06 BLuetooth modules , depending on your modules you may use some bypassing caps on each of their power points.

(I already have 5v>3.3 converters for the tx from mega)

level shifting caution: Make sure you do level shifting the conventional Arduino Mega is 5v micro but the HC-06 operated @ 3.3v level and you need to level shift!

Nick_Pyner: Well its a few other things, like a 8ch relay and some pins used for the data input of rgb led strips, but those are powered separate with a psu. Why would the HM-10 be a better choice?

Thank you both for your replies! I'll go ahead with my plans then :slight_smile: