Arduino MEGA doesn't show up in the COM ports anymore.

I'm trying to get my 3D printer running on a RAMPS 1.4 board and it uses an Arduino MEGA.

About a week ago, I uploaded some firmware to the board and I could control 3 stepper motors with my computer. I then must have messed up, because I plugged in the board today and the port it was using before (COM3) wasn't available to be selected.

I accidentally put the board on a metal surface (The top of my computer case) while it was turned on, so I think I might have ruined the board somehow. I also tried to connect an LCD when I had settings for no LCD in the firmware.

Maybe these are beginner mistakes, but yo, I'm a rookie :slight_smile:

In device manager, I could find COM3 greyed out and assigned to Arduino mega. In the properties, it said the device wasn't connected when I could see it was plugged in and powered "ON" with a USB cable.

I tried uninstalling the device and plugging it in again, with no luck.
Restarted my computer. No luck.
The usual sound that occurs when you plug in a USB device doesn't play.

I tried 3 different USB ports on my computer and none of them would get it to recognize.
I used a different USB cable and still no luck.

When I plug in, a yellow LED next to "PWM" blinks then stays on. The green "ON" LED is turned on as well.

I have a multimeter and I tested some voltages between different pins, but it caused the yellow LED to dim so I was worried something was going wrong.

If you have a USB-TTL serial adapter like the FT232 or CH340 you could try connecting it to pins 0 and 1 of the Mega to see if it was only the onboard USB-serial chip that got fried and your ATmega2560 on the board is still good.

Shorting things on the metal surface could definitely damage the board. The LCD would be much less likely to do so.

I don't have anything like that. I might just buy a new mega for my printer and see if I can diagnose one with the other.