I have a question about the ARDUINO MEGA 2560 REV3 development board.
I would like to use for a project, 4 GOBILDA motors (link: 5202 Series Yellow Jacket Planetary Gear Motor (13.7:1 Ratio, 435 RPM, 3.3 - 5V Encoder) - goBILDA ) and 4 GOBILDA servo motors ( link: 2000 Series Dual Mode Servo (25-3, Speed) - goBILDA).
Can this board help me develop my project?
There seems to be no reason why you could not use the Mega with those devices as long as you use a suitable driver board and power supply
How do you plan to use the encoders?
At 435 RPM = 7.25 RPS and 384 encoder pulses per revolution = 2784 pps there will be 359 microsecs between pulses. For 4 motors that would mean an average of only 89 µsecs between pulses which does not leave a lot of time for the Mega to do other stuff. And keep in mind that with 4 motors the encoder pulses will not be evenly spaced. All 4 encoders could produce a pulse in the same microsecond.
I am new in this field and unfortunately I do not know how
to answer this question.
However, I have another question, what motor driver
could I use for the 4 GOBILDA motors and servo-motors?
I am new in this field and unfortunately I do not know how to answer this question.
I assume you mean my question about how you plan to use the encoders.
Let me ask the question a different way - what are you planning to create that will use the motors and the servos? If you describe your project it is much easier to help you.
You do not need drivers for the servos - the drivers are inside the servo package. I will leave it for someone else to suggest drivers for the DC motors.
Each servomotor is used to rotate each of the 4 wheels of the device, and each motor helps to change the direction of each wheel.
The motors will act only to change the direction of the device, instead the servos will almost always work to move it.
Are you saying that the servos can connect directly to the Arduino mega board, without connecting the motor driver?
Are you saying that the servos can connect directly to the Arduino mega board, without connecting the motor driver?
The servo control wires can be connected directly to the Arduino but they cannot be powered by the Arduino
Can you tell me which engine driver I can use for the 4 engines?
Sorry, not a thing that I have had much experience with
What voltage and current is required ?
Battery- 12 Volt 3000mAh NiMH
OK, but what current so the motors take ?
Each servomotor is used to rotate each of the 4 wheels of the device, and each motor helps to change the direction of each wheel.
That sounds mad to me.
Surely it makes a lot more sense to use the servos for the steering and the DC motors to rotate the wheels? Servos are specifically designed to move to a particular angle. DC motors are not.
That sounds mad to me.Surely it makes a lot more sense to use the servos for the steering and the DC motors to rotate the wheels? Servos are specifically designed to move to a particular angle. DC motors are not.
The servos have continuous rotation, it's not the problem related to this, in conclusion can they connect all 8 motors to a mega arduino board?
OK, but what current so the motors take ?
If you look at the links above (first message) you will find details about the engines.
link for servo: 2000 Series Dual Mode Servo (25-3, Speed) - goBILDA
[color=#222222]link for engines:
Servos, yes. No problem for the Mega to create 8 servo control signals.
Power for them will have to come from elsewhere.
All Gnd must be connected - power supply to servos to Mega Gnd.
Stall Current @12VDC: 9.2A
That will need a separate power switch - transistor or relay card or something the Mega can provide a control signal to.
Will it turn both directions? Then something H-bridge based will be needed.
The servos have continuous rotation,
Why not get regular servos for the steering?
And if you do plan to use the servos to drive the wheels how to you plan to use the DC motors to do the steering? This brings me straight back to the question I asked in Reply #2.
I can't help feeling you have jumped into this without thinking and you are making things very hard for yourself.
PS ... maybe the simplest option is to use the continuous servos to drive the wheels and buy some cheap regular servos to control the steering. That way you simplify the control of the steering and you avoid the need to buy motor drivers. The cheap steering servos would almost certainly be cheaper than motor drivers for your DC motors.
Will it turn both directions? Then something H-bridge based will be needed.
Thanks for the directions you gave me. Unfortunately I do not understand the question.
And I still haven't received the answer to the following question: Can the Arduino Mega board support all 8 motors?
And I still haven't received the answer to the following question: Can the Arduino Mega board support all 8 motors?[/color]
That's because you have not told us what you expect the Mega to be able to do with the encoders. Making motors and servos operate is easy. Dealing with the encoders is likely to be hard work for the Mega.
Have you considered what I said in Reply #15, especially the idea of using servos for everything?
"And I still haven't received the answer to the following question: Can the Arduino Mega board support all 8 motors?"
Yes you have, I answered that in #14:
Servos, yes. No problem for the Mega to create 8 servo control signals.
Power for them will have to come from elsewhere.
All Gnd must be connected - power supply to servos to Mega Gnd.
Will the other motors have to spin in just one direction? Like, clockwise only? Or, both clockwise and counter clockwise?
[color=#222222]There are 4 servos that will rotate both clockwise and counterclockwise to move the device, and the 4 motors will be operated only to change the direction of the device.[/color]