Arduino Mega LED Max and data distance


I have an Arduino Mega, WS2812b strips with 2 x 240 leds (480 in serial) and a separate 5V power supply and extra power line in the middle (voltage drops)

I have the led strips about 15 feet away from the control center (adruino)...could the long run (wire resistance) have an impact on the data signal?

  1. Test connection - right at arduino worked fine ...the ones towards the end of the 480 led run stopped running the pattern.
  2. When I hook it up to the main area...only a few of them lit up. (all of them have enough power)

If so, is there a way to boost the digital pin output?

Second question,
How many led's can this control? I have 6 parallel runs, each with 480 leds...totaling 2,880 leds. I do have 3 - 5V, 400W Power supplies to handle the wattage.

Thanks in advance..

Looks like i needed a ground from the Arduino to the Power Supply also do to the distance.