I have an Arduino mega hooked up to a Gridconnect WI232+. This works great. I was wondering how I would go about setting up the IDE or what ever I would have to setup to be able to do a sketch upload to the megas serial port? My laptop is connected to the Gridconnects WiFi which is connected to the megas serial port0 and I can talk back and forth to the mega within a sketch. I'm just not sure where to go from here.
I currently use a Polulo AVR usb programmer (STK500 as ISP)
first put a bootloader into the Mega and stop using a programmer as it deletes the booloader.
then in IDE select the com port created by the Gridconnect device and do a normal Upload. as avrdude starts the attempts to upload, reset the Mega with its reset button.
It was easier for me to say Arduino mega. This is actually a bare bones without the USB capability. Also, if I have to physically hit the reset button then that wouldn't make it truly OTA update. I have items in the field that I need to update without going to, opening, and then reprogramming. They all have a grid connect in them.
then program the botloader with the sketch.
the bootloader would listen on UART.
send a command to the Mega to self reset (coded in the sketch) and then do the upload over bootloader