Hello all.. I am new to arduino.. I bought an Arduino mega 2560 R3.. was working fine, did a few servo programs.. etc. Today, i bought a GPS shield.. I plugged the GPS shield without turning arduino off... After that, my board is not getting detected by my windows 8.. I tried another OS windows 7, but still not chance.. I dunno wat to do.. Confused... My arduino is showin GREEN ON light and the PIN 13 is GLOWING... nothing else... no detection... nothing... i have no idea what to do.. I am no expert...I even dunno whether my arduino is gone forever... I need some troubleshooting and expert advise... Thanks a lot...
pls don't use that many point after each other.
did you try to connect the arudino witouth the shield since you done that?
restart of computer?
unplugging the arduino?
Yeah i tried disconnecting the shield and plugged it in.. I changed the cable... restarted the system.. even tried on another OS..
is one of the chips heating up?
could you reprogramm the atmega16 (bootloader)?
I didnt find any unsual heating effect.. I am new to arduino, so dont know how to reprogram the bootloader? what all things i need? softwares? if u could help me.. i would try to reprogram.
to reprogram a bootloader/programm you'll need a programmer,
in this case an ISP (In-Circuit programmer) programmer, the cheapest would be to use an arduino uno from someone and use it as an arduino ISP (info can be found on the internet about this, even here on the forum, i lost the link to it but sparkfun has a great page about it)
to reprogramm the boatloader of the atmega2560 (depending is you have a smd version of the uno or not) bigest chip on your board (and would be removable if it is a dip^version) you'll need to connect it like the page on sparkfun says.
to reprogramm the atmega16 (the chip at the usb port) you need to use the isp header right next to it but i can't help you with that as i never did it myself, but i think you'll be able to find the needed information on the internet.
if you can't fine anyone who can lend you a usb arduino (mega,uno,nano,...) you can buy a cheap arduino uno (clone).
Thank you very much for the useful reply. I will try finding someone with arduino Uno and try rebooting my chip.. After trying that out... Will let you know how it went... I will also try finding that site u told.. thanks a lot for the info..
found the site in my history: Installing an Arduino Bootloader - SparkFun Learn
it is a tutorial for the uno but you sould be able to find your way in it with your mega, or you could find an other site
thanks a lot... I am now looking for a uno or a clone for doing it... I will update as soon as possible about the progress..