Hello. I have tried to search for my answer, but I cannot find a direct answer to my problem. Here is my problem in a nut shell:
I built my 3D printer with an inductive/proximity sensor on the Z axis. I am powering the sensor with 5 volts from an ATX power supply. Between the sense and the ground pin of the sensor I placed a 10K resistor because it already has a 10K resistor built in the sensor so that would divide the 5 volts into 2 = 2.5 volts. (5 volts seems to work for this sensor even though it is rated between 6 and 36 volts).
Now here is what happened; one of the legs on second 10K resistor broke off and allowed 5 volts through to the Ramps 1.6 + Mega 2560. I replaced the 10K resistor and the 3D printer is still working, but the Z axis now moves down when homing, but stops before the sensor has been triggered, leaving it too far from the bed to print properly. Disconnecting the Z min sensor from the Ramps 1.6 allows the Z axis to move continuously, so now I am unsure if the sensor is giving a signal even when it reads 0 volts when tested/triggered as it normally reads 2.5 volts. Or maybe the sense pin on the Ramps is reading something other than 0 volts from the sensor.
Now I have two opinions; #1: The sensor is still working fine, but the Ramps or Mega has been affected by the 5 volts. #2: My 500 watt ATX power supply could be sending something through the sensor's sense wire that is triggering the sense pin.
I have been unable to fix my problem as I don't have a spare Ramps or Mega to test it, so I am hoping there is something else that I could do.
One more question; Can 5 volts damage the Ramps or Mega on the sense pin? If so, is there something I can replace to make it work again instead of replacing the Ramps or Mega?
Thank you all for your help and reading this through.