Arduino Mega Serial Communication

Hello, I am trying to set up my Arduino Mega for serial communication. I am trying to make the arduino wireless using a device that replaced a rs232 cable. My set up is a ttl to rs-232 converter connected toa rs-232 to USB cable to just set up communication before going wireless. I connect the ttl-rs-232 converter to the tx and rx on the arduino and power the board externally, but I can not seem to get the arduino software to see the board. Any ideas on whats going on, or if there is any code that needs to be used to get this working???

It would be helpful if you could post your existing Arduino program and also a wiring drawing of what and how you are wiring things up.

As you may know the Arduino Mega has four serial ports. The first serial port on pins 0 & 1 are used to upload programs from the Arduino IDE running on a PC. So you are better off using one of the other three serial ports avalible for your external serial wireless link connection.
Thing to look for are making sure you are wiring Transmit pins on the Arduino to the Rec pin on the external TTL/RS232 convertor and visa vesa. Making sure the baud rate used in your program matches what your external link requires.

Lets see you code and we can go from there.

PS: rereading you original posting, are you trying to get the Arduino IDE software running on your PC to be able to upload sketches via a wireless link? If so that may be more complex and we might need to know more about the connector/convertors are are using at both ends of the wireless link. That could be a lot more tricky.


Well to be honest I am pretty new with this arduino stuff. My code is simple it is just reading from an analog and digital sensor and returning it to the serial monitor.

I have played around with some of the SerialSoftware library from arduino, but with no luck. I was trying to load the program from this point though, maybe that is why,

My connection is from the Arduino the tx(1), and rx (0) are connected to the ttl to rs232 converter, which also needs 5V and ground. From there it will be eventually connected to an aerocomm wireless serial cable, but for now it is simply connected to a rs232 to usb converter and to my computer.

This is going to be a senior project in the end it will monitor 4 analog sensors, and 4 digital sensors with 4 outputs. I need to be able to collect data from these sensors, and control the outputs wirelessly. It will also be coded so that the system will run without input from a user remotely. I dk if it would be easiest to read from the a different serial port and just upload the program through usb? that would work as well. Tell me what you think. Thanks again.

long val = 0;
int potPin = 1; // select the input pin for the LM35
int ledPin = 13; // select the pin for the LED
float temperature = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the sensor
int dig;

void setup() // run once, when the sketch starts
Serial.begin(9600); // set up Serial library at 9600 bps

void loop() // run over and over again

val = analogRead(potPin); // read the value from the sensor
dig = digitalRead(51);
temperature = (5.0 * val * 100.0)/1024.0;

I'm student ani am new with the Arduino Mega board. I'm trying to use its USARTs modules.
at the beginning, I have sent a byte via the usb port (usart0), so I'v received the same byte (in ASCII code). but when I changed the usart0 to usart1 or others. i received an other data.( e.g. sent:1 received:g or sent:123 received: g3f)
can somebody help me please!!!