Arduino Mega Short circuit heatup

In my Arduino Mega i just powered it with 12V through the Vin pin and made a project that consists of a cooling fan and a temperature sensor. I which i used transistors for controlling the cooling fan and it worked well. And now the problem i got when connecting is that i accidentally shorted while building the circuit and also the power supply is on. And then the arduino shut off. And immediately i removed the power and then connected it to USB Power. And the Atmega16u2 is heating up. If i use the power jack now it doesn't work. The arduino doesn't turn on. I don't know where i messed up. And the voltage regulator is not working. And i programmed the arduino before this incident. And if i power it up. The Atmega16u2 heats up but the program does run. And i also tried to upload a new sketch, the board doesn't appear. What can i do to bring this arduino mega back to life ?

You wont be able to save that chip, probably best to buy another board.
If you can draw out the circuit diagram we might be able to show where improvements can be made to prevent this happening again.
For a start, I'd prefer to power the Arduino via the power input barrel, even if you have to solder a positive and negative wire to the underside of the circuit board. This gives you a more reliable connection, and also a diode to prevent reverse voltages.

I powered i with power barrel jack. And shorted by accident

The best tip is not to Alter wiring whilst it’s powered , and try and use colour codes wires

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You just got an example as to why you should power down when changing electrical connections. If you do not have the SMD tools and skill set you now have a paper weight or a mounting template.


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