Arduino Mega via Modbus with relay module not working

To learn and understand the Modbus comminication with Arduino mega I use a 2 way RTU relay module (link). As a firts excercise I just want to switch on and off the two relays. This works fine when I use the Serial (standard RX/TX). It does not work when I use the Serial1 (or Serial2 or Serial3).
Below the code I'm using:

// ############################### includes ################################
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <ModbusMaster.h>   // Modbus communication to converter and energiemonitor

// ######################### create classes ################################
ModbusMaster RelayBoard;  // instantiate ModbusMaster object

// #########################################################################
// ########################     i n i t     ################################
// #########################################################################
void setup() {

  Serial.begin(9600);  // Monitor

  Serial2.begin(9600);  // Modbus
  RelayBoard.begin(255, Serial2);

  Serial.println("init finished");

// #########################################################################
// ########################     l o o p     ################################
// #########################################################################
void loop() {

if (Serial2)
  Serial.println("Serial2 found");
  auto tmp = Serial2.available();
   Serial.print("Available(read): ");
   tmp = Serial2.availableForWrite();
   Serial.print("Available(write): ");
  Serial.println("Serial2 NOT found");

  auto tmp = RelayBoard.writeSingleCoil(0x0000, 0xFF);  // switch ON (0xFF) relay 1 (0x0000);
  Serial.print("Modbus relay 1 ON (return value): ");
  tmp = RelayBoard.writeSingleCoil(0x0001, 0xFF);  // switch ON (0xFF) relay 2 (0x0001);
  Serial.print("Modbus relay 2 ON (return value): ");
  tmp = RelayBoard.writeSingleCoil(0x0000, 0x00);  // switch OFF (0x00) relay 1 (0x0000);
  Serial.print("Modbus relay 1 OFF (return value): ");
  tmp = RelayBoard.writeSingleCoil(0x0001, 0x00);  // switch OFF (0x00) relay 2 (0x0001);
  Serial.print("Modbus relay 2 OFF (return value): ");
  Serial.println("loop finished");

This is my hardware setup:

Please help, I did spent several hours, but I can only use Serial, but not Serial1, Serial2, or Serial3. What is wrong?
thanks Martin

What does your serial output look like?

This is the output:
Serial2 found
Available(read): 0
Available(write): 63
Modbus relay 1 ON (return value): 226
Modbus relay 2 ON (return value): 226
Modbus relay 1 OFF (return value): 226
Modbus relay 2 OFF (return value): 226
loop finished

I'm thinking, but 0xFF should be 255, and it's showing 226 for the "tmp" value. Maybe try different variables on the Serial2.available() and your coil writes????

..but why does it perfectly work if I use Serial (not Serial2)?
the tmp variable is the retursn value of the function ```

When I use pin0 & pin1 (serial) I at least get the return value 224 (instaed of 226). This is according to ModbusMaster.h "ku8MBInvalidSlaveID = 0xE0". The surprising thing is, that the relay gets turn ON/OFF, but still I get 224 as return value of writeSingleCoil(). When I try to read the 2 digital inputs of the board by using readCoils() or readDiscreteInputs() I only get 224 and no value of the digital input. Any idea/help would be very appreciated.

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