Arduino Mega with IFI motor controller Vecto 883

i am using Vector 883 to signal my motor, but i am not being able to calibrate the motor with PWM from my arduino mega.
First the red light start blinking when i change direction while pressing CAL button, for example i alternate signal between 5V and 0V out from my controller (note that i am using your PWM signal driver) and the light changes between orange and green but when i send the neutral signal (2.5V) and release CAL button red light blinks. Sometimes when i the signal is too slow the red light blinks even before 2.5V is sent.
i checked the frequency which is 2Khz going out of the arduino and is compatible with the motor controller.
any body have an idea about that?


thats because the victor 883 doesnt operate on a 0 to 5 volt input. it uses a servo ppm (pulse position modulation) input. you can use the servo library to operate it. 0 degrees is all the way reverse, 180 is full forward, and somewhere around 90 is the center coast or brake depending on how you have the jumpers set.

they are working now, i had to change output frequency from the arduino and now they seem to work fine with a normal PWM output, though for the vector full forward is 2ms and full reverse is 1ms.
have you tried that? now i am working on a project and i will see how the reaction is like later.

Thank you