Arduino Mega2560 Current

Hello together

I have a question about the I/O current of the Arduino Mega2560

I used the 5V of my Arduino for the IC Supply. I'm not that sure if this going to work because the I/O current is only 20mA. Do you think thats fine?

And another problem:

I have an linear voltage regulator with 12V with an output current of 1.5A. Is this OK for the Arduino Input Voltage?

Greets and thank you

Max. current per I/O is 20mA, see the tech. specs. for more: Arduino Mega 2560 Rev3 — Arduino Official Store.
Voltage regulator 12V/1.5A is fine. The current 1.5A means just max. current which can be drawn.


LOTs of info about the Mega here:MegaQuickRef - ArduinoInfo

Other boards, pin current details here: ArduinoBoardDetails - ArduinoInfo

I used the 5V of my Arduino for the IC Supply. I'm not that sure if this going to work because the I/O current is only 20mA. Do you think thats fine?

Arduino 5V pin can be used for powering up simple sensors i.e. HC-SR04 etc. But its always recommended to not use it as a power supply.

I have an linear voltage regulator with 12V with an output current of 1.5A. Is this OK for the Arduino Input Voltage?

Yeah it will work perfectly fine. Load decides how much current it wants from the source so you can even use 12V,9A battery.