I'm using RF24master library with Arduino Mega2560 and nRF24L01/01+ modules.
Unfortunatelly I'm unable to send any packets as I get failed message while trying. (see the attached file).
I've been trying both with no capacitor, 10uF and 47uF one (between VCC and GND on RF module), but without luck. The wiring was checked several times (also checked if board pins are working correctly). My CE is on 53 pin while CSN is on 48 to allow simple connection in bundle. The voltage that the module receives is 3,41 V (stable, checked with scope). Also I've been trying to do so with few examples from the library and all of them have same results. The RF module is powered from Arduino 3,3V pin. The Arduino is powered from the PC via USB cable.
I've checked several topics on the forums, but suggested solutions didn't help.
Does anyone knows what might be the problem ?
In the posted screenshot you seem to have set your transmitting address to F0E1 (last bytes only) and receiving on F0D2 (again, only last bytes). Can you check the other module is set with the two addresses inverted?
A diagram and a picture of your wiring might help as well as everything you reported seem perfectly fine to me and by looking at the output everything looks fine too.
It might help if you can post the code you are actually running, even if it's just a ping-pong example as there are many out there.
I've soldered another capacitor, so now I have 100uF on both modules.
It solved the problem ...
What might also be the cause, that both were powered from 2 close PC's USB. Probably the HUB is passive and splits amperage and that's why those two might have not worked. I plugged them to seperate USB's (on diffrent sides of laptop) and now it works.