Arduino MICRO and a 5x7 Matrix

Hello guys!

I'm a new programmer and i wanted to know if I can use the Arduino MICRO to control a 5x7 LED matrix?

Actually I haven't even got the Arduino MICRO because when it's not possible to control the 5x7 LED matrix I'll buy the Arduino UNO.

Thanks for your helpful answers!

Hi there,

I am a beginner myself, but from what I can see the arduino micro has 20 digital I/O pins. If you plan on using single color LEDs and use simple multiplexing you can easily reduced the need pins down to 12 (5 for anodes and 7 for cathodes e.g.).

So yes this shoud be possible.

Somebody please correct me if I am wrong.


Thank you for your quick response Chris, i thought about this too but wasn't completely sure, but now i am....thanks :smiley:

Hello guys!

I'm a new programmer and i wanted to know if I can use the Arduino MICRO to control a 5x7 LED matrix?



I'm a new programmer and i wanted to know if I can use the Arduino MICRO to control a 5x7 LED matrix?


Yes, but you really want to use a matrix driver - the MAX7219.

Thanks for your useful answers! :slight_smile: