Hello! I have this idea.. An Arduino Micro watch with a color LCD Display. I've seen some Arduino projects with an OLED display, but with an LCD, You can do more. By size, I've seen the 1.44" working well comparing to other manufacturer's watches. (1.44" Product Link) I'm new to the community here and i'd like some guidance with the software that goes into what you see on the screen, a basic clock that could be customized on the IDE and put on the Arduino Micro. (Would there be a possibility to make it 'smart'? What would have to be added to make it so?) I've seen This Video with The Arduino Uno, displaying a color and word program. Ours would be similar but with a clock, using the same library(?) I'm good with 3D Printing cases and such for a final product, just the software + code i'm not. That's why I Posted this topic. Thank You!!
EDIT 01/10/16: Been contacted for this project.. Stay tuned!!
I'm good with 3D Printing cases and such for a final product, just the software + code i'm not.
The best thing to do is buy an RTC module, learn how to write the code for it, then go from there. By the time you also include a battery, you'll be hard-pressed to fit the package in a watch though. (Arduino, LCD, RTC, battery)
If you're looking for someone to write the code for you, you're in the wrong place and would have been better posting in the "Gigs and Collaborations" section.
Would there be a possibility to make it 'smart'? What would have to be added to make it so?
Define 'smart'.
The best thing to do is buy an RTC module, learn how to write the code for it, then go from there. By the time you also include a battery, you'll be hard-pressed to fit the package in a watch though. (Arduino, LCD, RTC, battery)
I Found This One just by Searching. I'd have to find out how to program that to work with the Arduino, a la This Video.
For a power solution, planning on [Adafruit backpack and LiPo battery, which will be specifically figured out.
If you're looking for someone to write the code for you, you're in the wrong place and would have been better posting in the "Gigs and Collaborations" section.
Is There a way to have a mod or myself to move this thread to there?](Power, LiIon & LiPoly Products Category on Adafruit Industries)
Yes - you could click on "Report to moderator" and ask in the comment box.
So you really want someone else to do it for you? You're missing out on a chance for some good programming experience. (And keep in mind that you may need to pay someone if you want them to do all of the work for you.)
I'm prepared for that. I Guess it would be more of a collab since I'm good with Designing GUIs(if it had more than just a clock, like a pic viewer, making it 'smart' to answer your question) and as mentioned a 3D Printed case. 
I'm prepared for that. I Guess it would be more of a collab since I'm good with Designing GUIs
You might be lucky and find someone who has a similar goal, then you can both work on it together.
(if it had more than just a clock, like a pic viewer, making it 'smart' to answer your question) and as mentioned a 3D Printed case. 
Thanks, I wasn't sure exactly what you meant by 'smart'. (My watch is "dumb".
Thread moved at original poster's request.
You might be lucky and find someone who has a similar goal, then you can both work on it together.
I'm sure we can find somebody that's interested!! By using a Color LCD, We can do so much more!
Thanks, I wasn't sure exactly what you meant by 'smart'. (My watch is "dumb".

(Thanks Mod Coding Badly for moving thread w/ same URL
I am actually interested in making an Arduino-powered smartwatch myself. Perhaps I can give you suggestions and help with the design process?
I am actually interested in making an Arduino-powered smartwatch myself. Perhaps I can give you suggestions and help with the design process?
Sounds Great! I'd love to work with you! Is there a private messaging system here that you are comfortable with?
Here is the list of processor options.
Smart Watch Processors.txt (5.55 KB)
You could go steampunk and make this project a pocketwatch. More room in the enclosure. For a wristwatch, you'll have to be soldering up surface-mount components, and even then you'd be pushing it.