WHY are the Arduino Micros and Leonardos even supported at all anymore? They simply do not work.
I bought my first Arduino without reading about the Micro and Leonardo programming horrors...I thought the Micro I bought would be great for using on my solderless breadboard, as it would fit in like a DIP. I was right, it does fit well...but I am about to just take it back and give up.
I spent five hours to get ONE sketch uploaded from the LCD tutorial. Then I spent NINE HOURS of messing with this thing trying to get ANYTHING else to upload to it. This pressing the reset button at a magic moment stuff is a waste of time. It does not work, doesn't help, and i still get the "no micro or leonardo found" message EVERY SINGLE TIME. Plus, my computer constantly beeps the "found new hardware" beep when the thing is plugged in.
I am not the only one with a problem...you can find at least ten posts with this issue in a few mintues in just this forum...google finds hundreds more.
Is there a different, not-so-utterly-useless bootloader that is compatible with this hardware?