Arduino Micro, not recognised by Windows 10

Got a brand new genuine Arduino Micro.
Using a DATA cable
Not found on any USB port on HP laptop using Windows 10

Use a different cable. Did you load any sketches on it before this failure? If so, you may have bricked the USB bootloader.

So, I download the IDE 1.8.19 and connect my genuine Arduino Micro by USb with DATA cables to
A: MacOS 10.14
B: Windows Home 10
C: A Toaster that I bought in the mid Eighties

Result from all?

NO Arduino connected

But HEY! I can Burn a sketch, no errors - nothing on the Arduino IDE of course, it's not built that way, communication? what does that matter?!?!?

LESSON 1 - make your support software have ERROR REPORTING

Basic, elementary and frankly embarrassing. Eric Raymond was wrong, very wrong, too many idiots looking at software does NOT make it better.

Pass me the DOS prompt.

Oh? did I just get banned from the pit of stupidity?

What a shame.

Oh! Full marks for having the worst customer support ever.

I hope your wrists recover...

I'm pretty damned certain 1980s toasters didn't have USB.
Like, 100% certain. I was there.

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