Arduino Mini Pro as a Library Device

Does somebody know, where could be found the Arduino Mini Pro as an Eagle Library device? Or, how can I do it from the appropiate *.brd file?
The goal is, to use the Arduino Mini Pro as a PCB component embedded in another PCB.

There is a link to the Eagle files on the Sparkfun page for the mini:

Thank You PaulS.
The question is, how to transform information they give (Eagle's board and schematic) into Eagle's librarian package and symbol.

Why not just start with the mini schematic and board, and add your components to it? You can reposition to the stuff, and make the board larger, or a different shape.

This is a different approach, better for serial production. But, not for a prototype. Actually, in this case all board will have to be manufactured from scratch. If we use Arduino Mini as plug in component, most complicated job is already done. We can pull out and use Arduino board for another project. Every time only new terminals must be manufactured.