Sorry if this post is offtopic,but i have a hard time finding the Arduino Mini Pro bootloader.I made my own custom board with Atmega 328P and 16Mhz crystal.I have an AVRISP programmer but i cannot find the bootloader.Thanks for any help.
Yes I thought too it should be there,just that are too many and dont know witch one to use.I used the one called ATmegaBOOT_168_atmega328.hex and it seemed to work just fine.I uploaded the blink code and worked fine.After i power down the board and power up again,the code still works,but i cant connect again with the board,the IDE gives the error that it cannot see the board.Every time i reflash the bootloader works for the first time,if i restart the power i cannot connect with the board again.Last time it happened like this was when i was trying to load the ArduinoUNO bootloader on the Arduino Duemilanove board.So i think i am flashing the wrong bootloader.Any one can be kind to point me to and download link for it please,i cannot find it in the website.Thank you.
I guess you just forgot to re-lock the bootloader! If you don't do it, it may get wiped.
avrdude ... -U lock:w:0x3F:m ...
avrdude ... -U flash:w:bootloader.hex:i ...
avrdude ... -U lock:w:0x0F:m ...
Side note: I'm really happy that you have an ISP programmer
Thank you Madworm for the reply.I had little time these days for my arduino board,but as i was saying i have the AVR Dragon board and i flash the bootloader with AVRStudio.I just select the AtmegaBOOT_168_atmega328.hex file in the Memories tab and i write in.After that it confirms OK.The fuses are like this:
BODLEVEL - Disabled
DWEN - ---
WDTON - ---
EESAVE - ---
BOOTSZ- 256W_3F00
CKDIV8 - ---
CKOUT - ---
Fuse Register:
Lock Bits:
LB - No Lock
BLB0 - No Lock
BLB1 - No Lock
I really do not know what i am doing wrong that the bootloader wont stay in the chip.After first power down,he is gone.