Arduino mini standalone

I've got an arduino mini pro and want it to be standalone without USB, only to add a battery. Is it possible, and can someone explain it to me, or send me a link?


This is the page for the Pro Mini,

If you have one from Ebay, some pins are different and sometimes A7 and A8 are added.

If you have a 5V Pro Mini, you can use Vin for a 6V or 9V battery.
If you have a 3V Pro Mini, perhaps a 3V battery can be used.

To upload a sketch, you need a USB-to-serial-ttl converter with DTR signal.

Thank you for the fast answer.
I have to connect (+) on battery with VCC and (-) with GND?

No, not with a 6V or 9V battery.
The RAW pin is to connect the power supply to.
If you already connected a 6V or 9V battery to Vcc, the board might be broken.

The Vcc is the 5V (or 3.3V) output of the voltage regulator on the Pro Mini board. You can use a 3V battery and connect that to Vcc. That way you bypass the voltage regulator, which is not recommended (but I do that many times).

To upload sketches you'll need one of these: arduino ftdi for sale | eBay

It goes to the six pins at the end of the Pro-mini board. Look carefully which way round it goes before you connect it...