Arduino MKR Wifi 1010 Encoder Issue

Hey there :wave:t3:

My problem at the moment is the following: I would like to use an encoder to control my display, but there is currently the problem that the encoder accidentally presses/triggers the button after a few turns and thus messes up the entire code.

I've now tried at least 10 libraries, with and without interrupts, but always the same problem.

If i messure at the button pin while rotating nothing happens.

I'm sure you have a minimal sketch that demonstrates this. Please share it with us (don't forget to use code tags as described in How to get the best out of this forum).

I'm also sure that you have a schematic diagram or wiring diagram; please share it. If not, please create one (photo of pencil/paper drawing is fine).

And lastly please share a link (URL) of the encoder.

If this is a hardware problem in the encoder, no library will help you to solve it.

Hello @sterretje,

i fixxed the problem, my college did the if from the switch for LOW and not for HIGH.
Thanks for you fast answer ^^

Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad that you found the solution.

We would never have been able to help with that as you did not post the code :wink:

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