I am trying to connect an MKR Wifi 1010 to the router - it won't.
Latest firmware installed, correct libraries, etc, etc. SSID and password copied back to PC to ensure no typos. I have tried with WPA, WPA2 and WEP. I have also tried disabling the 5GHz channel in case that was causing interference,
I've tried the WPAPing and ConnectWithWPA examples. Both return 4 (WL_CONNECT_FAILED
) from WiFi.begin.
Any thoughts on further debugging / fault finding.
However, the ScanNetworks sketch gives:
MAC: 4C:EB:D6:4C:A4:C0
Scanning available networks...
** Scan Networks **
number of available networks:0
Scanning available networks...
** Scan Networks **
Couldn't get a WiFi connection
I assume a wi-fi scan on your smartphone shows the expected APs?
Does the MKR Wifi 1010 have the option of an external antenna? If so, there may be a tiny 0R resistor that needs to be moved to the correct position to use the onboard antenna or the external antenna, you could check that.
OK, new board arrived today. Checked firmware (PASSED), ran the ScanNetworks example and:
Scanning available networks...
** Scan Networks **
Couldn't get a WiFi connection
But there are networks available.
Unlikely that I have had 2 faulty boards, so there is likely to be another reason, no?
I am having the exact same issue. I have ordered three Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 for a small factory automation project. I tried the samples in the Ardunio IDE 2.0 and I tried the Web IDE create Thing function to connect to Wifi. Can’t connect to any of my networks that have great reception at the desk. Mobile hotspot with my phone is not recognized. Hotspot function on Arduino or wifi scanning doesn’t work either. I also tried updating the firmware to 1.4.8 also doesn’t help.
Thank you for this tip. I actually don't want to connect a LiPO battery in my environment but what you said made me think it could have to do with power supply. So, instead of just powering the Arduino through USB, I have connected a 5V power supply to VIN and GND. After having done that I am able to connect to the wifi networks. So this might have to do with my USB port not providing enough power for the wifi module to work correctly. Maybe the troubleshooting section of Connecting MKR WiFi 1010 to a Wi-Fi Network | Arduino Documentation | Arduino Documentation could be updated accordingly?
Hi, i was with the same problem 5 minutes ago, looks like arduino gets scared when the SSID names have blank spaces, so i had to change the name of my SSID router to one with no spaces and it worked!