Arduino MKR1000 Stops working after some time

Hello Everyone,

I am doing research on Smart Agriculture where i am using MKR1000 with 2x Soil Moisture Sensors & 2x DS18B20 Temperature Probe with DHT22 for Temperature and Humidity Monitoring. Using Thingspeak Cloud for data storage and visualization. i am powering the Board with 5v Mobile Charger but after some time Orange Light starts blinking and MKR1000 stops sending data to cloud. any person who sorted out that issue?

Are other people using your exact code and wiring setup?

I have the same issue where I connected my MKR1000 using the USB as a power source. After about one month, it stopped sending data to my Thingspeak channel.

BTW - did you receive answer so far?


I Think I may know the problem. I need to know how it is powered and the environment it is in. Also a schematic not a frizzy picture as how you have it wired including all power, ground connections. Posting your code may help but I am not sure at this point as it appears to work a long time. Does it start working after reset, power cycle?

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