Arduino Mobile app to Real time PLOT andthen upload it to thingsboard via MQTT

Hey everyone ,
i want to make a heart rate monitoring system using esp32 and ad8232 ecg sensor.
I want to connect to a phone app that I will make and plot the values will be getting from esp32.

Question: Whats the easiest way (since i m not an mobile app dev) to create a simple plot mobile APP ?
I am not interested for bandaid fixes like mit app inventor , i prefer something from scratch .
No Blynk , no Cayenne .

After i make this app and get data from esp , is it feasible to then connect it with MQTT broker and from there to send data to platform ?

I want the exacct connections Esp32 to mobile app via BLE and Mobile app to mqtt via Wifi.
Is there any more simple solution ?


Why not App Inventor? You have web access, full GUI development, some database management... It´s not a bandaid fix for many developers around the world, and it has some alternative builds such as Thunkable or AppyBuilder.

If you are not a mobile app developer, and not interested in Android Studio, AI2 could be a decent platform.

If you want to develop from scratch and willing to learn a lot.. then Android Studio, yeah.

Because i want to make a project for everyone to use , not only for me and as far as i understood AI2 is a thing you gonna have in your phone only .
Its not like you make a new mobile app that others can use it as well , or am i mistaken ?

You can generate APK from AI2. That APK can even be published in Google Play.

...and you will find tons of samples of Arduino + AI2 integration!!

Nice , but what i want to do is connect my esp32 on phone app with ble and then use the the phone app to publish data to iot platofrms .

So in few words , i am using phones wifi to publish data through the app, i am using esp32 only to establish ble connection and pass data to phone


You can use the phone´s BT to talk to ESP32, and then send data from the app via MQTT or whatever you choose.

All that can be handled by AI2.

I guess my point is.. give App Inventor a try! it´s super easy and quite powerful, and there´s a forum with lots of people that are very helpful, just like we can find here

If you can send data from AI2 to mqtt and iot platforms then its definetely what i am going to use .