Hey everyone ,
i want to make a heart rate monitoring system using esp32 and ad8232 ecg sensor.
I want to connect to a phone app that I will make and plot the values will be getting from esp32.
Question: Whats the easiest way (since i m not an mobile app dev) to create a simple plot mobile APP ?
I am not interested for bandaid fixes like mit app inventor , i prefer something from scratch .
No Blynk , no Cayenne .
After i make this app and get data from esp , is it feasible to then connect it with MQTT broker and from there to send data to thingsboard.io platform ?
I want the exacct connections Esp32 to mobile app via BLE and Mobile app to mqtt via Wifi.
Is there any more simple solution ?
Why not App Inventor? You have web access, full GUI development, some database management... It´s not a bandaid fix for many developers around the world, and it has some alternative builds such as Thunkable or AppyBuilder.
If you are not a mobile app developer, and not interested in Android Studio, AI2 could be a decent platform.
If you want to develop from scratch and willing to learn a lot.. then Android Studio, yeah.
Because i want to make a project for everyone to use , not only for me and as far as i understood AI2 is a thing you gonna have in your phone only .
Its not like you make a new mobile app that others can use it as well , or am i mistaken ?
You can use the phone´s BT to talk to ESP32, and then send data from the app via MQTT or whatever you choose.
All that can be handled by AI2.
I guess my point is.. give App Inventor a try! it´s super easy and quite powerful, and there´s a forum with lots of people that are very helpful, just like we can find here