Arduino motor controller


I am doing a project consisting of an Arduino Mega 2560 and of a motor. The motor comes with an encoder. I am able to set the encoder to work correctly the problem is that now I need to output the speed of the motor shaft in the SerialMonitor. I am attaching below the code until now.

#include <digitalWriteFast.h>
const int pin_enc_A_rising = 2;
const int interrupt_nr_pin_enc_A_rising = 0;

const int pin_enc_A_falling = 3;
const int interrupt_nr_pin_enc_A_falling = 1;

// These variables will be updated in interrupts
volatile long enc_counter = 0;
volatile bool enc_A_high = false;
volatile float vel;

const int Ts = 0.1;
float oldCounter=0;
float oldTime = 0;
bool veru=false;

void setup() {
  pinMode(pin_enc_A_rising, INPUT);

  attachInterrupt(interrupt_nr_pin_enc_A_rising, handleEncA_Rising, RISING);
  attachInterrupt(interrupt_nr_pin_enc_A_falling, handleEncA_Falling, FALLING);

void handleEncA_Rising(){
  enc_A_high= true;
  if (digitalReadFast(21) == HIGH){
    enc_counter -= 1;
    enc_counter += 1;

void handleEncA_Falling(){
  enc_A_high= false;
  if (digitalReadFast(21)==HIGH){
    enc_counter += 1;
    enc_counter -= 1;

void loop(){
tempo1 = tempo2;
tempo2 = micros() ;
velo =enc_counter-oldCounter /(tempo2 - tempo1);
veri = false;

I am using two pins for attach interrupt for encoder A and one digitalread for encoder B. I know I can use only one for the encoder A and a digital pin for the other one but I am testing different versions. I need to calculate the angular speed (velocity) of the motor.
I would be very grateful if you helped me.

Thank your for your time,
Albi Mema

You know the number of pulses for one full revolution of your encoder. You can either measure the time of one round, or between two pulses, or how long it takes to receive a certain number of pulses.

A single interrupt (raising or falling) is sufficient for counting pulses, unless the motor turns extremely slow.