I would like to enter into a program of excel data I have to move the motor with an Arduino motor shield and an Arduino UNO, I searched the internet but i could not find what I was looking for. Please let give me a help.
Thanks in advance
Can you clarify that you need to send data to the Arduino and have it use
that data to control a motor? Can you give more details?
thank you for your interest.
I would like insert data on excel into a program that I have done that I have done to move the motor every 0.05 seconds in clockwise and in erclockwise motion.
The program is this:
int motorPin1 = 2;
int motorPin2 = 8;
int motorPin3 =3;
int motorPin4 = 9;
int delayTime = 1200;
int myStep = 2;
void setup() {
pinMode(motorPin1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motorPin2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motorPin3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motorPin4, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
digitalWrite(motorPin1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motorPin2, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorPin3, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorPin4, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorPin1, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorPin2, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorPin3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motorPin4, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorPin1, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorPin2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motorPin3, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorPin4, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorPin1, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorPin2, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorPin3, LOW);
digitalWrite(motorPin4, HIGH);