Hi arduino community,
im a professional C++ developer and completly new to arduino. I checked out several threads and videos all over the internet but didnt came to a conclusion on which arduino and modules to buy exactly to realize my project.
Im aiming to create a USB mouse interface in which i can plug in a normal usb mouse. i want to read the usb data the mouse sends, alter it and then send the altered data back to my computer over a second usb port. Optimally the mouse would be recognized by the computer as if there where no arduino interface between it. Also i'd like to be able to send back data to the arduino over the second usb port the arduino should react to.
Thats the basic setup, once ive got that running i'd like to add a third usb or wifi module to it for other purposes.
Now which Arduino would be suited best for my needs (also considering following wifi projects)?
Which usb modules do i need for it?
Are there any informations out there you suggest me to read?
Thank you in advance!