Arduino Nano 33 BLE as a Client/Central?


I was looking over the newly released Nano 33 BLE and in the ArduinoBLE GitHub it states that currently it only supports Peripheral mode.

Are there any plans on making it possible to act like a Client in GAP and Central in GAT in the near future?


I've tried the peripheral mode examples and they are inconsistent. Sometimes they connect and sometimes not. I guess my understanding of the whole process is lacking.

I've found (I think, if I read this right) that the BLE is usable now if you download the Nordic SDK and alter the OS of your computer to be able to talk to the module.

I'm looking forward to some Arduino IDE. I've just ordered an HC-06 bluetooth module until I can get this thing working.


I am really interested in using these in central mode also, I really hoped this would have been available on release. I want to pair two of the Nano BLE together for a wireless alert system. Is it possible to use the curieBLE libraries on the Nano BLE?

Hi everyone,

BLE central mode support has been added to v1.1.0 of the ArduinoBLE library.

More info. available here: BLE central support added to ArduinoBLE | Arduino Blog

Sweet. I have been waiting for this. I used the example skits to pair Nano IoT as central to Nano BLE as peripheral, and can send data both ways.