Arduino Nano 33 BLE code

Is there anyone who has got Arduino Nano 33 BLE ? I have a few basic questions.

Hi! Welcome to the Forum!

Your post seems to be mislocated. Flag it and ask a moderator to move it to an appropriate place. Introductory Tutorials are to offer info for others, not to ask for info. :wink:

Someone that has a Nano 33 BLE will probably help you, but if you pose your questions you´re more likely to have the answers.

Take some time to read this topic:
How to get the best of this Forum

and have fun! :upside_down_face:

I have now moved the topic to the appropriate forum category.

@piotrdn in the future, please take some time to pick the forum category that best suits the subject of your question. There is an "About the _____ category" topic at the top of each category that explains its purpose.

Welcome to the forum.


So, what are your other questions?

I prepared my project but I need this specific board. Before I will buy one I want to test this project. Could I send it to you for verification? Could you run it on your board? I will give you more information soon.

I can't upload the files because that function is blocked for new users. Could you give me your email? I will send you my project files

Describe the project, and post the code you have written, using code tags.

Forum members can usually spot errors very quickly.

Nope, that is what the forum is for.

Post your code using code tages. Ensure the source code is in a single box? It should look like this.

// Your example source code

You need three ' at the beginning and end in the edit window? When you click on this icon </> you get.

type or paste code here

This ensures we can get all the source code and you can get advice from everyone.

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