I added edge impulse firmware on my arduino nano 33 ble sense and it was working like a charm. But on the next day when I pluged my arduino nano 33 ble sense in my laptop, it was not turning on, but the VIN, 5V and 3.3v pins were working. What could be the reseon and how to fix?
You can fix this by
- posting a description what this edge impulse firmware is exactly doing
- posting your complete sketch
- posting a schematic of how you have things wired together
- posting information about your knowledge-level in programming
- posting information about your knowledge-level in electronics
- posting information about what measurement equipment you have available
In summary: from your short description there are hundreds of different possible reasons
hundreds of different ways to fix it
Nobody is gonna post a 100 possible ways to fix your bug-tutorial
and to reduce the number you have to provide the information like described above
best regards Stefan
The edge impulse firmware is just a firmware which connects it to the edge impulse.
therefore, I can't send the whole sketch because it is just a flashing program running on windows
I don't understand what you want to say with that
what is an "edge impulse"?
post links that describe what "edge impulse" is.
You might have a misunderstanding what "firmware" is.
If you flash something that is a real firmware all other code is overwritten by this firmware.
From your initial description
It is unclear what you really did.
If you loaded a sketch (= a *.ino-file")
into the arduino-IDE and then clicked compile and upload
the code that was in the memory of the arduino got overwritten by this *.ino-file-compilation.
A microcontroller does not have a operating system like a smart-phone, tablet or computer
A microcontroller is always running a single program.
And this single must contain all functions that shall be available.
This is totally different to a smartphone where you can install additional apps with new functions.
A microcontroller always runs just one single "app"
If my assumptions what you did are wrong you will have to describe with much more details what you really did.
Trying to be fast by posting only a few words does the opposite of the intention to be fast. It is just slowing everything down.
best regards Stefan
edge impulse (www.edgeimpulse.com) is a platform in which we can create our own models with the help of some popular AI supporting boards like arduino nano 33 ble sense, esp-32 cam etc. the firmware just connects the board with the edge impulse website. I recommend you to read the documentation in the website I have given please.
regards robo234
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